Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1917
Collection: Library Board Meeting Minutes
Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1917
Medicine Lodge, Kansas -- History
Lincoln Library - History
Board meeting notes for 1917 included in loose leaf notebook number 1 of handwritten board notes from 1916 - 1930.
Lincoln Library Board Members
Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Miscellaneous Documents
Lincoln Library Board Members, “Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1917,” Medicine Lodge Digital Collections , accessed January 24, 2025,
Officers for 1917-1918
President Mrs. Bucher
Vice President Mr. Minick
Secretary Ora Stout
Treasurer Maud Benefiel
City Librarian Mrs. MB Katherens
Assistant Mrs. Edith Myers
Finance Committee
Mrs. Dillman, Mr Griffin, Mr. Minick
Library Committee
Mrs. McCague, Mrs. Lindley, Miss Benefiel
Committee on Building and Grounds
Mrs Myers, Mrs Field, Mr. Minick
Committee on Extension
Mrs Field, Mrs Skinner, Mrs Stout, Miss Groendycke
Medicine Lodge, Kansas January 6, 1917
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the City Library.
President Mrs. Bucher in chair.
Motion made that the City Librarian salary for December be paid.
President instructed Library Committee to order cards and index system for Library.
The President appointed the following Committees for the year
Committee on Building and Grounds
Mrs. Myers, Mrs Field and Mr. Minick
Committee on Library Extension
Mrs. Field, Mrs. Skinner and Miss. Groendycke
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Ora Stout, Secretary
Medicine Lodge, Kansas February 3, 1917
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the house of Mrs. McCague. President Mrs. Bucher in chair.
Bills from:
J. F. Aubley for hauling coal .50
Badjer Lumber Company 900lb rock brick? 4.50
Gaylord Bros for Library supplies 19.98
City Librarian Mrs. Katherns 8.00
Mrs. Myers for Plat on Grounds 1.00
were read and accepted and Treasurer instructed to pay.
Received from City Librarian $4.40 for Tickets and Fines for Jan
Pres. Instructed Secy to order Pad & order Receipts
Motion made and carried that the City Librarian hire an assistant.
Mrs. Myers was Unanimously elected assistant Librarian. Motion made and carried that the Library Com. be empowered to renew subscriptions to the magazines to the Library as they expire.
No further business motion to adjourn accepted
Ora Stout
Med. Lodge Kans March 3 – 17
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs. McCague, Prs Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of last meeting read and approved as read
Bill for Wood $4.50 to Chas Marshal allowed
Bill for City Librarian of $8.00 allowed
Report from the Librarian Com. red and accepted as read and Bill of the same allowed
Report on Building & Grounds by chairman Mrs Myers on the Plat received
Mrs Myers as chairman was empowered with the authority to arrange the Grounds
Motion made and carried that four files be ordered for Library
Motion mad and carried that Secy Book be furnished for Secy.
$1.00 received from City Librarian for fines
Motion made and carried that we have Tag lay time. Time to be decided later
The object to raise money f or Library.
Prs instructed Mr. Minick to look after Tags and call on any member to assist
Pg. 2
Motion carried that we accept two books Miss Best had on hand and pay for them.
Bill $26.65 for Magazines
Bill $16.00 for Book allowed
No further business
We adjourned
Ora Stout
Med Lodge Kans –
April 7 – 17
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs. McCague, with Vice Prs Mr. Munick in chair. Min of March 3 read and approved.
Bills allowed as presented
Mrs M B Kathrens as Librarian 8.88
To Young Drug Store for supplies 1.20
For Secy book to Mrs. Stout .45
Communication from Library Bureau from Chicago read and turned over to the chairman for the Extension Committee. Mrs Field
Received 1.30 from Librarian for fines.
No further business motion mad and carried that we adjourn.
Ora Stout Sec’y
Medicine Lodge Kans.
May 5 ‘17
The Library board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague President Mrs Bucher in chair
Bills allowed as read
To two Receipts books. 2.50
Gaylord Bros for cabinet & furnishing 19.29
Grigsby Bro for Broom .50
Books from traveling Library reported missing Bill for the ______ 1.05
Secy instructed to place a notice in Co papers in regard to lost Books.
Com. on Extension & ground reported on ground
Received from Librarian 1.25 for fines
Bill for City Librarian $8.00 allowed
Plans for remodeling the Library yards discussed by nothing definitely settled
No further business Board adjourned.
Ora Stout
Medicine Lodge Kans.
June 2 – ‘17
Met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague President Mrs Bucher in chair
Bills as follows
City Librarian 8.00
T. L. Books 2.00
___________________ 1.53
and freight .25
To Kenneth Illvigivoth? And Montgomery boy for work .75
on library
Received from Librarian for fines 2.75
Chairman on Grounds reported her wor on yard
Pres. Instructed Treas. To get $50.00 from City for Library Expenses
Mr Minick was instructed to talk to Mr Chase about removing the water Spout from the building.
Motion made and carried that we adjourne
Ora Stout
Medicine Lodge Kans.
Sept 29 – ‘17
Library Board met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague Pres. Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of June 2 read and approfved
Bills for Une, July, Aug. allows as presented
War Library collection was discussed and it was decided that Oct 9 be set for the reception of the Library collection of Books and magazines for the War Library
Pres appointed the flowing Com. to solicit the City for Books and magazines for War Lib. Mrs. Myers. N. W. setion Mr Minick for Main St.
Miss Benifield N. E. Section
Clara Grondyke S. E. “
Ora Stout S. W. “
Motion carried that the Library Com. buy the Book “Ben Hur” from the second hand store if reasonably priced
No further business adjournment was in order.
Ora Stout ‘Secy’ L. B.
Medicine Lodge Kans.
Nov 3-“17.
Library Board met on above date in the Library room. Pres Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of Sept 29th read and stood approved
Maude Benefiel report on the Book Ben Hur. It was priced to high so was not bought for Library
Bill from Gaylord Bro’s for $6.90 allowed
Bill from Chase Hdw Co Grass .80 allowed
Bill for Librarian of $8.00 allowed
Bill for John Lualluc for making boxes to ______ Books for War Library for $2.60 was paid out of the War Library fund.
There was about 100 books and magazines and $12.00 in Cash collected for the War Library. Reported by committee
No further business Board adjourned
Ora Stout
Sec’y of L. B.
Original Format
Loose leaf notebook pages inside are 9 1/2 X 7 1/2 and 8 X 10 1/4. The notebook cover is 7 3/4 X 9 13/16.
Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1917
Medicine Lodge, Kansas -- History
Lincoln Library - History
Board meeting notes for 1917 included in loose leaf notebook number 1 of handwritten board notes from 1916 - 1930.
Lincoln Library Board Members
Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas
Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Miscellaneous Documents
Lincoln Library Board Members, “Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1917,” Medicine Lodge Digital Collections , accessed January 24, 2025,
Officers for 1917-1918
President Mrs. Bucher
Vice President Mr. Minick
Secretary Ora Stout
Treasurer Maud Benefiel
City Librarian Mrs. MB Katherens
Assistant Mrs. Edith Myers
Finance Committee
Mrs. Dillman, Mr Griffin, Mr. Minick
Library Committee
Mrs. McCague, Mrs. Lindley, Miss Benefiel
Committee on Building and Grounds
Mrs Myers, Mrs Field, Mr. Minick
Committee on Extension
Mrs Field, Mrs Skinner, Mrs Stout, Miss Groendycke
Medicine Lodge, Kansas January 6, 1917
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the City Library.
President Mrs. Bucher in chair.
Motion made that the City Librarian salary for December be paid.
President instructed Library Committee to order cards and index system for Library.
The President appointed the following Committees for the year
Committee on Building and Grounds
Mrs. Myers, Mrs Field and Mr. Minick
Committee on Library Extension
Mrs. Field, Mrs. Skinner and Miss. Groendycke
No further business. Meeting adjourned.
Ora Stout, Secretary
Medicine Lodge, Kansas February 3, 1917
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the house of Mrs. McCague. President Mrs. Bucher in chair.
Bills from:
J. F. Aubley for hauling coal .50
Badjer Lumber Company 900lb rock brick? 4.50
Gaylord Bros for Library supplies 19.98
City Librarian Mrs. Katherns 8.00
Mrs. Myers for Plat on Grounds 1.00
were read and accepted and Treasurer instructed to pay.
Received from City Librarian $4.40 for Tickets and Fines for Jan
Pres. Instructed Secy to order Pad & order Receipts
Motion made and carried that the City Librarian hire an assistant.
Mrs. Myers was Unanimously elected assistant Librarian. Motion made and carried that the Library Com. be empowered to renew subscriptions to the magazines to the Library as they expire.
No further business motion to adjourn accepted
Ora Stout
Med. Lodge Kans March 3 – 17
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs. McCague, Prs Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of last meeting read and approved as read
Bill for Wood $4.50 to Chas Marshal allowed
Bill for City Librarian of $8.00 allowed
Report from the Librarian Com. red and accepted as read and Bill of the same allowed
Report on Building & Grounds by chairman Mrs Myers on the Plat received
Mrs Myers as chairman was empowered with the authority to arrange the Grounds
Motion made and carried that four files be ordered for Library
Motion mad and carried that Secy Book be furnished for Secy.
$1.00 received from City Librarian for fines
Motion made and carried that we have Tag lay time. Time to be decided later
The object to raise money f or Library.
Prs instructed Mr. Minick to look after Tags and call on any member to assist
Pg. 2
Motion carried that we accept two books Miss Best had on hand and pay for them.
Bill $26.65 for Magazines
Bill $16.00 for Book allowed
No further business
We adjourned
Ora Stout
Med Lodge Kans –
April 7 – 17
The Library Board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs. McCague, with Vice Prs Mr. Munick in chair. Min of March 3 read and approved.
Bills allowed as presented
Mrs M B Kathrens as Librarian 8.88
To Young Drug Store for supplies 1.20
For Secy book to Mrs. Stout .45
Communication from Library Bureau from Chicago read and turned over to the chairman for the Extension Committee. Mrs Field
Received 1.30 from Librarian for fines.
No further business motion mad and carried that we adjourn.
Ora Stout Sec’y
Medicine Lodge Kans.
May 5 ‘17
The Library board of the City Library met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague President Mrs Bucher in chair
Bills allowed as read
To two Receipts books. 2.50
Gaylord Bros for cabinet & furnishing 19.29
Grigsby Bro for Broom .50
Books from traveling Library reported missing Bill for the ______ 1.05
Secy instructed to place a notice in Co papers in regard to lost Books.
Com. on Extension & ground reported on ground
Received from Librarian 1.25 for fines
Bill for City Librarian $8.00 allowed
Plans for remodeling the Library yards discussed by nothing definitely settled
No further business Board adjourned.
Ora Stout
Medicine Lodge Kans.
June 2 – ‘17
Met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague President Mrs Bucher in chair
Bills as follows
City Librarian 8.00
T. L. Books 2.00
___________________ 1.53
and freight .25
To Kenneth Illvigivoth? And Montgomery boy for work .75
on library
Received from Librarian for fines 2.75
Chairman on Grounds reported her wor on yard
Pres. Instructed Treas. To get $50.00 from City for Library Expenses
Mr Minick was instructed to talk to Mr Chase about removing the water Spout from the building.
Motion made and carried that we adjourne
Ora Stout
Medicine Lodge Kans.
Sept 29 – ‘17
Library Board met on above date at the home of Mrs McCague Pres. Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of June 2 read and approfved
Bills for Une, July, Aug. allows as presented
War Library collection was discussed and it was decided that Oct 9 be set for the reception of the Library collection of Books and magazines for the War Library
Pres appointed the flowing Com. to solicit the City for Books and magazines for War Lib. Mrs. Myers. N. W. setion Mr Minick for Main St.
Miss Benifield N. E. Section
Clara Grondyke S. E. “
Ora Stout S. W. “
Motion carried that the Library Com. buy the Book “Ben Hur” from the second hand store if reasonably priced
No further business adjournment was in order.
Ora Stout ‘Secy’ L. B.
Medicine Lodge Kans.
Nov 3-“17.
Library Board met on above date in the Library room. Pres Mrs Bucher in chair
Min. of Sept 29th read and stood approved
Maude Benefiel report on the Book Ben Hur. It was priced to high so was not bought for Library
Bill from Gaylord Bro’s for $6.90 allowed
Bill from Chase Hdw Co Grass .80 allowed
Bill for Librarian of $8.00 allowed
Bill for John Lualluc for making boxes to ______ Books for War Library for $2.60 was paid out of the War Library fund.
There was about 100 books and magazines and $12.00 in Cash collected for the War Library. Reported by committee
No further business Board adjourned
Ora Stout
Sec’y of L. B.
Original Format
Loose leaf notebook pages inside are 9 1/2 X 7 1/2 and 8 X 10 1/4. The notebook cover is 7 3/4 X 9 13/16.