Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1925


Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1925


Medicine Lodge, Kansas -- History

Lincoln Library - History


Board meeting notes for 1925 included in loose leaf notebook number 1 of handwritten board notes from 1916 - 1930.


Lincoln Library Board Members


Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas


Lincoln Library, Medicine Lodge, Kansas




Reproduced with permission from the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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Miscellaneous Documents

Lincoln Library Board Members, “Lincoln Library Board Meeting Notes 1925,” Medicine Lodge Digital Collections , accessed December 22, 2024,

Members of City Library Board – 1925
J. H. Minick
Erie Gilbert
Ora Stout
Maude Benefiel
Jessie Nixon
Edyth Myers.
M. E. Kathrens.
Nell Osborne.
Lou Owen
Lucie McCague
Officers for 1925
President J. H. Minick
V. President Erie Gilbert
Sec. Ora Stout
Treas. Maude Benefiel
Finance Com. Mrs. Jessie Nixon – Nell Osborn
Book Com. Mrs. Jessie NIxon
“ Erie Gilbert
Maude Benefiel
Lou Owen Nell Osborne
Mrs Kathrens
Extension Com. Nixon Stout – Benefiel
Grounds & House Com. Mrs Myers
“ Gilbert
Mr Minick

Medicine Lodge.
Jan. 3. 19.25
The City Library Board met on above date President Mr Minick in chair
Minutes of Oct 4th ’24 read and approved as rea. The purchasing of Wells outline of History was discussed.
The ________________ was added to the collection of magazines. Maude Benefiel was instructed to subscribe for all the magaznis. Subscribed in 1924.
Election of Officers next in order
Motion carried that all the officers be reelected for 1925.
Bills allowed.
P. O box rent 1.00
Librarian & Expense 24.20
WS. Benefiel Hdw Co. 3.05
Fines collected for Dec. 4.55
Secy reported Fines collected for 1924 $35.25
Disbursement $25.25
Receipts - $39.80
Ora Stout

Medicine Lodge Kans.
Jan 31 – 25
Board met on above date President Mr. Minick in chair
Minutes of Jan 3 read and approved as read.
Bills allowed as followes.
To Mrs M B. Kahtrens Librarian 24.00
“ H J Minick for the __________ 4.00
Total 28.00
Fines collected for Jan 4.00
Pres. Named Nell Osborne on Finance Com. and Lou Owen on Book Com.
No further business Board adjourned
Ora Stout Secy.
Receipts 4.00
Disbursements 28.00

Medicine Lodge Kans.
April 4 – ‘26
Library Board met on above date Mr Minick presiding
Bills as follows were allowed.
Mrs Kathrens - 48.00
P. O. Box rent 1.00
Total 49.00
Fines collected for Mch 2.60
Discussion on who had where to buy Books. – decided to order all books from Book Store
Communication from Kansas Library association read – no action taken on Communication. No further meeting closed.
Ora Stout

Med. Lodge
May 3 – ‘25
Library Board met on above date
Mr Minick presiding. Min of April 4th read and approved as read.
Bills allowed were as follows.
Mrs. M. B. Kathrens – Librarian & Expense 27.35
Fines Collected for April 3.55
Mrs M. E. Kathrens was made Treasurer of Pay Shelf Com – no further business meeting closed.
Ora Stout Treas.

Original Format

Loose leaf notebook pages inside are 9 1/2 X 7 1/2 and 8 X 10 1/4. The notebook cover is 7 3/4 X 9 13/16.